Hobéon is a strategic consultancy company with a strong focus, among other things, on higher education
Hobéon in brief
We are a quality oriented strategic consulting firm. We offer a wide range of service and support to education institutions on all levels of the educational ladder. Our experienced team works closely with schools, colleges, universities, businesses and professionals to help them realize their ambitions and adapt to dynamic industry requirements.
Our approach
We adopt an integral approach making use of different disciplines and crossing sectorial borders. We act as your critical friend while taking into account relevant trends and incorporating the latest developments within your discipline. We are a reliable sparring partner offering you sustainable solutions and giving you practical and useful advise that you can actually put to practice.
Education institutions are in constant development. The knowledge and quality of your employees determines the internal strength of your organization. Hobéon has the expertise and experience needed to help your strengths shine through. We help shed light on your blind spots and offer targeted support in the process of adapting organizations.
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Accreditation and Certification
As a specialist in quality and quality assurance, Hobéon assesses educational institutions as well as individuals, companies, training programmes and industries along set quality frameworks. Furthermore we evaluate courses in higher education on the basis of the NVAO assessment framework (Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation).
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Hobéon has years of experience with quality assurance and legislation for education institutions. Our trainings – for example for: administrators, policy officers, members of exam committees, and representative bodies, – allow you to strengthen internal expertise and processes. We aim to practically link knowledge and skills.
Personal certification
Craftsmanship is subject to wear and tear and must be properly maintained. The market demand to periodically demonstrate and safeguard professional skills is increasing. Knowledge that is not kept up to date ebbs away and in the meantime technical societal developments do not stand still.
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